Parent Policy

Our Parent Policy

- Nationally Accredited
- Family-Oriented
- Open Since 2011

Download Our Parent Policy
We welcome you and your child(ren) to the family of Playcare, Inc. Nationally Accredited Early Childhood Centers. We hope that our relationship will be a very positive one. We feel strongly that open communication between parents and staff members is essential to fully meeting your child(ren)'s needs. Here we attempt to clearly define our policies in some of the most common areas.

Our Promise
We will provide every child, regardless of income or ability, a quality, developmentally appropriate, individualized program within a healthy and safe environment.

Our Parents and Children
We rely on the parents and children of Playcare, Inc. to help us uphold our promise. We believe that the needs of the individual child and their family, whatever the economic circumstance, physical or mental limitations, or diversity of the family unit, must be served.

Our Goal
We want to provide all children between the ages of six weeks and twelve years of age, a program that will prepare them to be confident, fair, tolerant and self-reliant within an environment of patience, understanding, appreciation, justice and care.

No person shall, on the basis of race, color, religious belief, national origin, disability or sex, be denied the benefits of, or activities of Playcare, Inc. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Educational Philosophy
A Playcare, Inc. center should be more than just a babysitting service for your child(ren). It is our desire that every child enrolled in our centers enjoy a loving nurturing environment that enhances each child's individual needs and abilities. Our centers offer opportunities to develop social and recreational skills while providing many varied learning experiences. Our facilities utilize toys, playground and audiovisual equipment, reading materials, and carefully researched educational curriculum which we have found to be most beneficial for the specific needs of each age group.

The health, safety and development of your child(ren) is our top priority. We recognize the needs of all developmental stages and health and safety concerns with patience and genuine, loving devotion to each and every child. We encourage frequent parent interaction with our staff and attempt to involve our parents in various projects that each child participates in as part of our extensive program.

Communication between our staff members and parents is a vital link in the growth of each child. We are entirely dedicated to the belief that children are the hope of our future and DESERVE to become productive outstanding citizens of tomorrow.

It is our sincerest desire to be your early childhood center and to help you with one of the most important decisions you may make -- Who will give your child(ren) a daily environment in which to learn, laugh and grow?

Admission and Attendance
Admissions Policy
Playcare, Inc. admits children from the ages of 6 weeks old to 12 years old. The program accepts children with special needs as long as a safe, supportive environment can be provided for the child. To help the program staff better understand the child’s needs, the staff will ask the parent or legal guardian of a child with special needs to provide a current copy of the Individual Family Service Plan/Individual Education Plan. The program will attempt to accommodate children with special needs consistent with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If the program is not capable of accommodating the child’s needs (as defined by the child’s health care provider(s) or the Individual Family Service Plan/Individual Education Plan) without posing an undue burden as defined by federal law, the director of the center will work with the parent or legal guardian to find an alternative suitable environment for the child.

Prior to the child’s attendance, a conference with the parent or legal guardian and the child is required to acquaint each new family with the environment, staff, and schedule for childcare. During this visit, the parent or legal guardian will have a personal interview with teachers and an opportunity to review the parent handbook and other written materials maintained at the facility. Each child will spend 30 minutes at the program with a parent or legal guardian before remaining in care without a family member. All enclosed enrollment forms must be completed with the director before leaving the building.

Receiving or Releasing A Child
Children may only be picked up or dropped off by individuals noted on their enrollment forms. When a parent or guardian verbally authorizes the center to release a child to someone not on the enrollment sheet the staff must document in the Building Diary the individual giving authorization, date and time of authorization, individual being given authorization(ID must be checked and noted), person receiving authorization and period authorization is valid. The name of the person picking up will be written on the sign in sheet on that date. If the authorization is given on the phone we will make sure the phone number is one on the enrollment sheet by checking caller ID or by recalling the parent to make sure it is them. If a parent, guardian, family member or visitor to the childcare engages in disruptive or potentially dangerous behavior the person will be asked to leave the facility immediately.

Building Access
All doors will remain locked unless required unlocked by the fire marshal. To gain access ring the door bell and the staff in charge will buzz you in. In the event of a lock-down situation in our area due to the possibility of dangerous intruders the staff and children will be staying away from doors and windows so please call before you pick up to be let in.

Field Trips
Field trips provide community knowledge, recreational opportunities, as well as fun for children four and up. All information on field trips including meals that may be served will be posted for parents at least one week prior to the field trip. Permission slips must be signed by a parent or legal guardian before the child may attend the field trip. The staff will explain to the children all rules pertaining to the field trip before leaving the center. Attendance will be taken before, during and after each field trip. Transportation will be provided by Playcare, Inc. buses whose drivers all have Commercial Drivers’ License (CDL). If your child is late for the field trip you will need to call the center to tell them you will be taking your child to the field trip destination. Upon arrival at the destination check in with the teacher who will sign the child in on their sign in sheet.

Centers and Hours of Operation
All centers are open Monday through Friday.
  • Smart Start #1 – 409 C Ave, Cache – 429-3718 - 6:00am to 6:00pm
  • Smart Start #2 – 30 NE 20th Street, Lawton – 355-3924 - 5:00am to 6:30pm
  • Smart Start #4 – 1416 W Gore Blvd., Lawton – 248-3883 - 5:00am to 6:30pm
  • Smart Start #5 – 1310 Ferris, Lawton – 248-7788 - 5:30am to 6:30pm
  • Smart Start #6 – 5402 NW Kinyon, Lawton – 595-7063 - 5:30am to 6:30pm
  • High Flyers – 1200 S. Kelley, Edmond – 405-341-1644 - 6:30am to 6:00pm

Please call your center if your child will be absent.

We are closed these holidays each year:

New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

And any other day deemed necessary throughout the year. If a holiday falls on a Tuesday or Thursday we will close the Monday before or Friday after as well. We will post the days closed as a reminder on a sign and on Facebook.

Parent / Center Communication
Open-Door Policy
Parent involvement is important to our success with your children. We encourage you to stop by the center at any time. Our center and phones are always open to you.

Daily Communication
Teachers will provide a daily correspondence called a daily gram to keep parents informed of their child’s activities or request items that may be needed for the child. The daily gram includes meals eaten and times, nap or rest time, diaper changes/toileting times for children under 2, and comments about your child’s general mood for the day. Please notify the director if you do not receive one daily. Our teachers would love to visit with you at least weekly to discuss your child’s progress.

We invite you to visit the center at any time and want you to feel free to ask any questions. Please consult the center director or the child’s teacher should any problems arise concerning your child – whether at home or at school. We seek your active involvement as parents in the center’s program. We invite you to volunteer to accompany the children on field trips, organize parties for holidays, share your culture, your family traditions, and your occupation. We desire your contribution of ideas and time to enable us to have an even higher quality program.

We encourage you to attend Parents Meetings and Parent-Teacher Conferences. Parent Meetings are held quarterly within each early childhood center. Parent-Teacher Conferences are held within 45 days after enrollment, winter and spring or more often after developmental assessments have been completed on each child. Teachers will discuss the completed assessments with the parents and have the parents sign to ensure each assessment has been reviewed by the parent. Parents are invited to provide input and share at home observations. Teachers will keep parents aware of their children’s milestones to plan for future learning opportunities.

Program Evaluation
We invite you to help evaluate our program yearly by answering a short survey and writing ideas to make our program better. We also have a yearly meeting where ideas are shared by parents, staff and the director that we welcome you to attend.

Parent Grievance Procedure
If you as a parent have a grievance or concern, we ask that you fill out the parent grievance form and give it to your director. If your director does not help you to alleviate the problem within three days you should contact our executive director at the Playcare, Inc. main office. The number is 580-355-0814.

Parent Referral Program
We know that you will be pleased with your association with us and you may recommend our early childhood center to others. To show our appreciation for referrals to any Playcare center we offer an extra dividend: a 10% discount off of your next month’s tuition when the family you referred enrolls in our program.

Current Information
It is necessary that the information on the Enrollment Record stays current. Please let us know in writing if there are any changes in phone numbers, addresses, current immunizations, employment or people authorized to pick up your child or to contact in case of an emergency. You will be required to update these records in January and June annually or when any other changes may occur.

Health and Safety
Attendance - children must arrive before 9:30am to attend daily.
Children are signed in and out daily as they enter and leave the center. This is to ensure all children are accounted for at all times. Each time the children enter and leave the classroom or playground attendance is also taken by the teacher. During emergency evacuations attendance will be taken once the children reach their destination and once they arrive back in the classroom. If your child is going to be late or is not going to attend or be picked up from elementary school please call the center as soon as possible. The Director will call you in the event your elementary age child is not at the bus pick–up location at the scheduled time.

Oklahoma statutes define child abuse as harm or threatened harm to a child’s health or welfare by a person responsible for the child. Every person, private citizen or professional, who has reason to believe that a child has been abused, is mandated by law to promptly report suspected abuse. Any suspected sexual, physical, or emotional maltreatment or abuse of staff, volunteers, or parents/guardians that occur during our program will be reported to the proper authority.

Sooner Care
Sooner Care is a health care plan offered by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services for children in families with a monthly gross income of $2247 and less. See your director for more information.

Section 411 of Title 10 of the Oklahoma Statues mandates that children attending child care obtain, at the medically appropriate time, the following vaccines: DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine), Hib vaccine (Haemophilus influenzae type B), PCV (pneumococcal vaccine), MMR (measles, mumps, rubella vaccine), Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine, Varicella (chickenpox vaccine) and IPV (inactivated polio vaccine).

Exposure Plan
All employees are trained in ways to protect themselves and others from exposure to blood, bodily fluids, etc. according to OSHA. Employees receive Blood borne Pathogen and Infectious Disease training yearly. In the event of Poison exposure by children or adults the Director will call the Poison Control Hotline at 1-800-222-1222 and follow instructions as well as calling the parents of the children. In the event of an epidemic corporate will make the decision to call the Center for Disease Control.

Children who are ill with a contagious disease or illness may not attend the center. If your child(ren) become ill while they are in attendance, the child will stay in the director’s office while we notify the parent or legal guardian and if they are unable to be reached, we will systematically call everyone on the emergency data sheet. The director will determine if a child is too ill to remain at the center. Any child experiencing any of the following symptoms should be removed from the center:
  1. a fever over 100 degrees F
  2. contagious skin or eye infections
  3. diarrhea three times in two hours
  4. vomiting
  5. ice or nits
If children are sent home with a fever, they must be free of the fever for at least 24 hours before returning. Under no circumstances should a parent administer aspirin or aspirin substitute and then send a child to our centers, as this may result in febrile convulsions or the spreading of a contagious disease.

The center director may require that your physician send a note indicating that your child is free of any contagious disease, lice, or nits. Playcare has a No Nit policy for all centers, meaning that your child may not attend our centers if they have any eggs, dead bugs, or live bugs. In the event of a communicable disease exposure a sign will be posted notifying parents while keeping the confidentially of the affected child or adult.

Our Designated Staff Member with approved training will be glad to administer medicine prescribed by your child’s physician for any chronic medical conditions that may be life threatening. We will not administer any other medication prescribed or over the counter to your child. The medicine must be in its original container which clearly states the child’s first and last name; expiration date of the medication; name and strength of the medication; age appropriate dosage; manufacturer’s instructions or prescription label with specific, legible instructions for administration, storage and disposal; and name of the health care provider who wrote the prescription. Parents or legal guardians must supply the center with an informational checklist on the medication, including any possible side effects. Parents or legal guardians may sign a medication log for up to a six-month period for prescribed medication to be administered by staff as needed. Parent or legal guardians are notified whenever medication is administered and the date and time are documented on the medication log by the administering staff member. All approved medications will be kept out of the reach of children in a secure box. If any unapproved medications are found in the child’s personal belongings they will be promptly disposed of properly.

Sunscreen and Insect Repellent
Sunscreen and insect repellent will only be applied to children if the parent supplies it for their child with instructions on amount and frequency of use documented on the medication roster. All containers will be labeled with the child’s name and stored out of the reach of children

If a child is injured while attending the center, first aid will be administered. If treatment by a doctor is needed, we will make every effort to contact the parent and/or the physician you have chosen to treat your child. In the event of a medical, dental or mental health emergency, we will make sure your child receives the necessary emergency treatment until you are reached. The authorization for emergency treatment on the Enrollment Record must be signed and a hospital designated when you enroll.

Incident/Accident reports will be completed on each injury that occurs in the center and must be signed by the parent or legal guardian upon pick up of the child.

Accidents and Injuries occur with children as they grow up. Nothing can be done to prevent this fact of life. Should accident/injury occur at a Playcare facility where outside medical attention is required, Playcare, Inc. agrees to pay the parent/child’s deductible up to $250.00 not as an admission of any wrongdoing or neglect but simply as a matter of public relations.

If a death occurs in your family please alert the director. If a child or teacher passes away either from an accident or prolonged illness the director will tell the parents so that each family can decide how best to deal with the information with their child.

Physical Activity Policy
Playcare recognizes the importance of physical activity for young children. Implementation of appropriate physical activity practices supports the health and development of children in care, as well as assisting in establishing positive lifestyle habits for the future. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that children in care are supported and encouraged to engage in active play, develop fundamental movement skills and to have limited screen time. Our center encourages all children to participate in a variety of daily physical activity opportunities that are appropriate for their age, that are fun and that offer variety. The nationally-recommended amount of daily physical activity is at least 60 minutes per day. Each class has 2 scheduled 30 minute outdoor physical activity times. If the weather is not suitable for outdoor time that time will be spent indoors with a physical activity. Students and teachers are encouraged to fully embrace regular physical activity as a personal behavior.

We at Playcare have a Ready to Play Policy! Please bring your child ready to play and have fun each day. Your child will participate in both indoor play and outdoor play. Therefore, play clothes and shoes which can get dirty and allow for free and safe movement are most appropriate. We expect parents to provide children with appropriate clothing for safe and active outdoor play during all seasons. For safety, children can’t wear open-toed shoes, sandals or flip flops. In winter , provide a warm jacket, hat, mittens and boots. In spring and fall, provide a jacket or sweater. In summer, provide light clothing, swimsuit, towel, hat and sunscreen. Please bring a weather appropriate change of clothes daily in case of accidents.Please label all outer garments with your child's name!

It is our expectation that children will go outside EVERYDAY weather permitting. If you feel your child is too sick to go outside then he/she is too sick to be at the child care center. We request that you keep him/her at home until they are well enough to go outside.

Sanitation and Hygiene
Cleanliness is stressed on a daily basis. Staff will attend promptly to the child’s personal hygiene needs. Staff ensure their hands and the children’s hands are washed at all appropriate times. Toys and other items that are in contact with children’s mouths are washed and sanitized after each child’s use. All other toys are sanitized daily and washed on a weekly basis. Cleaning schedules are followed daily for each classroom.

All staff and children’s hands are washed at the following times:
  • Before and after any food service activity
  • After toileting or changing diapers
  • After assisting a child with toilet use or toileting accidents
  • Before and after eating meals or snacks
  • After handling any animals
  • After having any contact with bodily fluids
  • Upon arrival to the classroom, including coming in from outdoor play
We ask that all parents also wash their hands upon arrival into the center to prevent the spread of any germs from the outside environment.

Evacuation Procedure and Alternate Shelter
Within each classroom are red emergency notebooks with specific instruction and all emergency plans and procedures. In the unlikely event your center must be evacuated the children will be transported by Playcare buses to the closest Playcare facility. Parents will be notified by phone and Facebook of the evacuation by the staff in charge and corporate staff. Each teacher will take their class sign in sheets and emergency contact information to the new location. Directors will transport the master list, first aid kit and medications.

Behavior and Guidance
Teachers will utilize redirection and other techniques recommended by early education professionals for the development level of the children involved. For children with significant behavior problems, other techniques may be used if they are documented and approved by the child’s pediatrician or other health care professional for the child’s behavior management.

If these behavior management techniques are ineffective, “time away” or removal of a child from the environment while still being visible to the teacher may be used selectively for children over 18 months of age who are at risk of harming themselves or others. The period of “time away” will be just long enough to enable the child to regain control of himself or herself. As a general rule this period will not exceed one minute per year of age and will be adapted to the developmental level and usefulness for the particular child.

Behavior which continues after these measures, has a high degree of intensity, or causes injury to other people is a cause for concern and intervention. A parent/teacher conference to discuss the behavior is the next step. Incident reports will be filled out and must be signed any time such behavior has occurred and will become part of the child’s file. If the conference does not make a noticeable impact on the child’s behavior, and inappropriate behavior continues, a 3-day suspension will be implemented. After which, the child’s behavior will be monitored. If the behavior continues or escalates, a persistent unacceptable behavior report will be completed and further suspension may follow. Three persistent unacceptable behavior reports are grounds for disenrollment.

Family-Style Dining
All of our meals are prepared and served in a manner appropriate for each developmental stage promoting healthy eating with a minimal amount of processed food. Meal times are a relaxing routine in which the staff sit and eat with the children while modeling appropriate behavior. Meal times are used as a learning experience. In classrooms where age appropriate, family style dining is practiced. Children are able to serve themselves and assist in every part of serving the meal. Each child will be given and encouraged to try each component of the meal being served.

Infant Feeding
When feeding and burping infants, each staff member must have a smock or burp cloth on. All infants under 8 months or that can’t hold their own bottle must be individually held for feedings to provide a calm and relaxing time for the child. Teachers will talk with the child throughout the feeding. When your child is ready and your pediatrician recommends you start introducing new foods we will be happy to help. Please try out one food at a time per week to make sure your child has no allergic reaction.

For those parents who wish for their infant to use center formula and rice cereal Playcare, Inc. will provide SAM’s Choice formula with iron and rice cereal. For parents who wish to provide their own formula, cereal and baby food they will need to supply an adequate amount daily. Diaper bags must be checked daily for food items and all bottles and jars labeled with the child’s name. No food or beverage should be given to any child without the parent’s consent. Breastfeeding mom’s may either breast feed at the center or feel free to supply breast milk in a closed leak and spill proof bag or bottle labeled with the child’s name and date of expression. Breast milk will be refrigerated.

Food Brought from Home
No outside food is to be brought from home. The only exception is if your child has a food allergy. Please let the director know and provide us with a doctor’s note stating specific allergies and suitable substitutions. We will post the child’s allergies in the kitchen and child’s classroom to ensure all staff are aware of the allergy and medication location.

We will enjoy being a part of your child’s birthday celebrations. If you would like to bring in store bought cake or cupcakes for the entire class please discuss this with your center director before your child’s next birthday.

Daily Activities and Routines
Daily Activities for Children
At every location, we guarantee our highly trained and experienced teachers and staff provide a loving, warm, nurturing environment. A place where children engage in fun activities that are age appropriate and designed to help them learn, grow, and develop the skills that they will need in the journey of life.

Quality learning experiences for children are enhanced by a well-planned curriculum. Daily schedules and lesson plans are used to provide activities, projects and themes that are appropriate for the age and development of the children in their care.

Interest centers are used as an interactive process for children to learn through doing. The environment in which the children learn provides them with opportunities to explore and interact with a variety of activities and materials as well as allowing for each child’s individual temperament, moods, and development.

Infant Sleeping Positions and Arrangements
Infants & young toddlers rest schedules are based on each child’s individual needs and they will be attended by their teacher at all times. All infants must be placed in a crib on a tight fitting sheet on their back with no other item in the crib except a pacifier (if needed) that has no attachment to the child’s clothing.( See Licensing Requirements for Child Care Programs – Sec340:110-3-296) No jewelry of any kind will be permitted. If there is a medical reason or any exceptions to the current safe sleep plan a physician’s note must be on file and documentation of a care plan must be present in the classroom. Infants who are able to turn themselves over are placed initially on their back for sleeping but allowed to sleep in a position they prefer if parents or legal guardians sign a form stating their child is able to roll over on their own. Infant and toddler bedding is washed on a daily basis.

Napping Routines
Each child is assigned an individual cot or mat. Each child has their own sheet and blanket which is kept in a plastic bag or box in their cubbies and washed on a weekly basis. Cots and mats are placed in the classroom in a manner that allows for 2 feet of space between each child. Children who do not fall asleep within 15 minutes will be given a quiet activity and will not be required to remain on their cots or mats for an entire nap period. Teachers will remain with the children during nap time

Diaper Cleaning
Diaper changes will be a relaxed routine for the children. Staff will follow all appropriate diaper changing procedures while talking with the child to comfort them. All diaper changes will be documented on the infant/toddler room log and the child’s daily gram. Parents are required to furnish an adequate supply of diapers and wipes for their children each day.

Cloth Diapers
All cloth diapers must have an absorbent liner or insert as well as an outer cover/shell that is waterproof. A new cover will be used at each diaper change. Parents must provide a wet bag that soiled diapers will be placed in that will be taken home daily. Please provide disposable wipes.

Toilet Learning Methods
Teachers will work with parents in every way possible to assist in toilet learning. Please talk with your child’s teacher to ensure we are meeting your child’s needs. Please ensure you supply an adequate amount of extra clothes during these times as accidents may happen. Soiled clothing will be returned in a zip-lock bag.

Children should come dressed for action. We recommend washable, comfortable play clothes, which the child can manage as much as possible. Tennis shoes or other soft-soled shoes are the safest, whereas sandals or hard-heeled boots are not allowed. Because we do go outdoors daily if the weather is permitting, we ask that you please dress your child for the weather. Children must have a change of clothes at the center.

Center Policies
Child:Staff Ratio
Infants - 6 weeks - 12 months- 4 per teacher
Toddlers - 13 months - 23 months- 6 per teacher
Twos - 8 per teacher
Threes - 12 per teacher
4 & 5's - 15 per teacher
School-Age - Kindergarten age to 12 years – 20 per teacher.

All classes are staffed appropriately to meet the State of Oklahoma Standards.

Staff Qualifications
All Playcare, Inc. employees have met all OKDHS employee requirements. For every 20 children enrolled in the center there is a qualified Master Teacher that has a CCP, CDA, or related college degree. All staff have current CPR and First Aid and OSBI/OKDHS background checks.

Volunteers, Aides and Substitutes
Volunteer, aides, & substitutes must meet all OKDHS child care employee criteria. They are never left alone with children in a classroom.

Continuous Supervision
All children are always within sight and sound of a caregiver. Each center is staffed so that each child has no more than 3 teachers per day.

Evacuation Procedures and Alternate Shelter
Within each classroom are red emergency notebooks with specific instructions for each center as to where the children will be taken in case of an emergency.

Pets on Premises
The only animals that will be permitted in a center are hamsters, guinea pigs, fish, crabs, and lizards. All animals are in good health, do not show evidence of carrying disease, are friendly toward children, and do not present a threat to the health, safety, and well being of the children. Pet enclosures are cleaned regularly.

Closing Due to Snow or Ice
If Playcare, Inc. decides prior to opening hours not to open the facility or if we decide to close during the day due to snow or ice, families and employees will be notified on KSWO, Channel 7 television broad-cast, KSWO website and the Playcare, Inc. Facebook page. Employees will also be called by their director.

Tobacco Free and Prohibited Substances Policy
Tobacco use in any form and e-cigarettes/ vapor devices are not allowed on the premises (within 50 feet of the center). This rule also applies to Playcare, Inc. vans/buses, personal vehicles ( on premises) and during any Playcare events/meetings. Illegal drugs, alcohol and firearms are not permitted on Playcare, Inc. premises for any reason.

Lost and Found
If your child is missing anything, please inquire at the center as soon as possible. Remember to label everything. It is much easier to return a lost item if it is labeled with the owner’s name. Unclaimed items are given to charity after a reasonable length of time. We will not replace or reimburse for any lost or stolen items.

Personal Belongings
Children are required to leave toys, food, gum, pets, and money at home. The learning materials at all centers are shared by all of the children as part of the learning experience. We furnish an ample supply of toys, equipment, materials, and food for the day.

On special “Show and Tell” days, however, children are allowed to bring in something to share with the class. Please label everything including bottles, jar food, coats, diaper bags, back packs etc. War toys are not allowed. (i.e. guns, knives, and swords)

State License
All of our centers are licensed and operated by Playcare, Inc. staff to meet or exceed the minimum requirements for Child Care Centers set by the State of Oklahoma. These standards relate to our facilities, staff, health and safety procedures, nutrition, ratios and record keeping.

Rigid enforcement of State and City health, fire and licensing standards are in the best interest of all children.

Compliance File
In the director’s office in the parent resource area you will find a compliance notebook. This notebook contains the information that meets Oklahoma Child Care Center Requirements, Section 5(e). The information included is the most recent child care licensing monitoring report. It will also include any of the following forms that have been received in the last 120 days: child care licensing monitoring reports and licensing correspondence; Form 07LC037E, Notice to Comply; licensing complaints; and Form 04CP004E, Child Welfare Investigative Summary Notification to Child Care Licensing Services, with findings of unconfirmed to include findings of services not needed or services recommended, Form 04CP004E, Child Welfare Investigative Summary Notification to Child Care Licensing Services, with findings of confirmed, for one year from the completion of the investigation.

For the safety and well-being of our center we reserve the right to disenroll families for the following reasons:
  1. excessive biting
  2. lack of parental cooperation with center policies and staff
  3. 3 or more lice, scabies, or impetigo occurrences
  4. repeated disregard for closing times
  5. chronic late payment, no payment, or returned checks
  6. verbal or physical abuse of staff or children
  7. persistent unacceptable behavior
  8. any other reason deemed dangerous by our attorney
Call High Flyers Child Care today to learn more!
Enrollment Form
Call High Flyers Child Care today at 405-341-1644 for information about our affordable tuition rates.
"Been taking my kids there for almost 5 Michelle(the director) & the entire staff."

Amber P via Google
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